Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Photographic wanderings

On Boxing Day I took the M8 for a photographic wander along the cliff-tops of Killcare Beach on the track to Bullima in the Bouddi National Park on the Central Coast north of Sydney.

Tomorrow night is NYE 2008. I am preparing Toshikoshi soba, moochi, teriyaki beef and pork belly, vegetable salad and prawns. Long noodles slurped in their entirety without breaking symbolise long life, a traditional Japanese New Year's (Oshogatsu) feast and prawns, said to resemble old people in shape, are also supposed to bring longevity.

A few days earlier I tested the 75mm prime on Blues Point Reserve North Sydney on the inner harbour. I am experimenting with the different RAW treatments in Apple iPhoto (+Aperture), Adobe Lightroom and PhaseOne CaptureOne.

Sunday, 21 December 2008

AeSon: Aesthetic sonification toolkit

My research assistant, Sam Ferguson, and I are working on an aesthetic sonification toolkit. It emerged while we are repeatedly building sonification projects with different interfaces and data-sets, that it is still useful to have a kind of real-time-capable toolkit for semi-automated calibration, scaling and chunking of data for sonification but customisable in the respect that the user and listener can both modify the listening experience. There are a few variations of a sonification toolkit out there, a patch or program usually developed with Max/MSP or Super-collider or C-sound, to treat various data in the same way, analysing and generating an auditory graph. Most dwell on frequency as a dimension of time-based data and magnitude on the y-axis. We are very interested to control dimensions like timbre and spatialisation and also to consider non-linear representation to clarify, even exaggerate, the interesting facets of the data peaks and trends.

If you are interested to try our toolkit, it is now available open source and we welcome feedback for improvements. You need Max/MSP and IRCAM FTM objects. http://www.kirstybeilharz.com.au/aeson.html or http://code.google.com/p/aesontoolkit/downloads/list

We (Kirsty Beilharz and Sam Ferguson) are investigating the aesthetics of sonification (representation of data through sound), as currently a lot of the toolkits out there are not necessarily designed with aesthetics or musical sound in mind. The eventual aim is to do have sonifications that are as engaging as information visualizations can be.

The aim is to produce a toolkit that maintains the massive flexibility that Max/MSP gives us, while simplifying the process of organising and mapping data to sound attributes. Currently, the toolkit consists of a large number of abstractions.

Included there are:
** a set of dataset management abstractions that load in a data file and split it up into various variables (passed as dict structures), abstractions for transforming these variables, and
**methods for stepping through this data.
** mapping abstractions that accept the dict structures in the rightmost inlet and out the rightmost outlet and then autoconfigure themselves.
** Synthesis and Sampling abstractions built to accept the outputs from above.
** 'Manipulation' objects that map data to a dsp process (eg lowpass filter) and 'manipulate' audio streams.

The idea is that by building a chain of the handful of objects used in transforming data to sound the design can be iterated quickly and better and more musical outcomes can result.

I haven't done a huge number of help patches yet but many of the crucial ones are currently there. There are also a few sample datasets, and some examples of the datasets being sonified. Currently I'm using small timeseries and multi-variate datasets, but I would like to scale it up to larger 3d datasets in the future. Generally, to use the system you connect all the various objects, and then load the data file which promulgates the data to each of the various objects. Then you press start on the Datatset.Control object, and you're sonifying.

I'm hoping that maybe if you download the toolkit and like it (or don't) you might provide some feedback on how to improve it. It's still 4.6 - but should work ok in 5 theoretically.

Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Interactive Sound Studio final exhibition

Friday 3 October 6-9pm
Hearth & Atrium, Wilkinson Building
Faculty of Architecture, Design & Planning
Access level 2 - 148 City Road (Darlington)
University of Sydney

our blog: http://interactive-sound.blogspot.com/
studio teachers: Kirsty Beilharz & Sam Ferguson

Wii Taiko
Interactive Narrative
Sonic Hockey
Rubick's Studio
Virtual DJ
Haunted Bear
Druidic Rituals
Virtual Conductor
Awakening the Buddha
Domino Music

Click on image for larger view

Opening up Design talk at UTS

I will start as Professor of sound, music and interaction at UTS in November. Here are two of my colleagues, Professor Kees Dorst and Associate Professor Bert Bongers giving a public talk on the the opening up of design ... the changing expectations, responsibilities, challenges and technologies of designing, about re-thinking how design mediates our physical and pervasive daily experience.

Bert is showing his flex-sensitive cyber-glove musical instrument design.

Saturday, 2 August 2008

WSF'08 photos online

Photos from the WSF 2008 in Sydney are now online (full set and larger size) http://www.flickr.com/photos/kirstykomuso/sets/72157606395897188/